Friday, May 12, 2023

CAUTION ⚠ If The US Debt Ceiling Is Not Raised - This Will Happen [Read ...

CAUTION ⚠ If The US Debt Ceiling Is Not Raised - This Will Happen [Read This Now]
"The global economy is headed for
a depression"

Do you believe this statement?


About a week ago i told one of my brothers
to expect the price of gold to up

Because i have been studying the financial
markets for nearly 7 years!

Also i mentioned to him to expect another
bank failure

When i was learning this stuff
people laughed at me

rejected me, and abandoned me


today if you dont have the investing
mindset you are f*ked!

am sorry but thats as blunt as i can put it
thats why you

need to sign up to my forex
newsletter here



To begin your investing knowledge

Anyway this is what i gathered from


Read the article below for more information:


If the US debt ceiling is not raised, the federal government would not be able to borrow more money to pay its bills, which could

result in a government shutdown or default. This would have severe consequences for the US economy and financial markets, as well as

for government services and programs.

Here are some of the potential consequences of not raising the US debt ceiling:

1. Government Shutdown: The government may have to halt non-essential services, such as national parks and museums, and

furlough government employees.

2. Default on Obligations: The US government could default on its obligations, such as paying its bills, including interest on its debt,

Social Security payments, and military salaries. This could lead to a decrease in credit ratings, making it more expensive for the US

government to borrow money in the future.

3. Economic Instability: A default could lead to market turmoil, higher interest rates, and a possible recession. This could negatively

impact the US and global economies, as well as the financial markets.

4. International Impact: The US dollar's status as a global reserve currency could be challenged, and other countries could become

less willing to lend to the US government.

Overall, not raising the US debt ceiling could have significant and

far-reaching consequences for the US and global economies, as

well as for the financial markets and the US government's ability to provide essential services and programs.

Like this post for more information next week



Lubosi forex

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